2 minutes 20 (2023, Prïncia&Ponchel)
LA POUDRE (The Fire Next Time)
Invités à un festival, Mortadha et sa bande sont logés chez un couple qui tient des propos racistes. Leur accompagnatrice blanche va-t-elle intervenir ?

"Mortadha and his crew attend a festival as guests of a seemingly hospitable family, but things take a turn when the host makes racist remarks. Will their white attendant confront the bigotry?"

Leïa Haichour / Mortadha Hasni / Houssam Mohamed / Oussama Jamai / Nawad Selassie Said / Lucie Botiveau / Nicolas Delorme /Pépita Car

directed by Prïncia & Ponchel
DOP Etienne Fu-le Saulnier
Music Pablo Chazel & Buynta Goryaeva
Editing Matthieu Ponchel
Sound Jules Valeur
Colors Baptiste Courtois

thanks to Lolita Ponce, David Santis, Malou Khebizi, Mireille et André Stuani, Fabrice Gomont, Emmanuel Ollivier, Sophie Vieux, Jean Michel Laurens

Boundless Film Festival - Coliseum International Film Festival (Italia) - French Duck Film Festival - La Nuit du court métrage - IFA Indie Film Awards - 21114 Film Festival - Festival à la dérive - Festival Hallnaywood